Cats, like many other pets, can sense when you are sad or ill. But what about US being able to recognize THEIR illness? Too frequently, people discover that their cat is sick or kitten is ill after it is too late to treat it. This is why we would like to discuss some common indications that your cat needs a ride to the veterinarian. Some symptoms are simple to evaluate, while others are more specific. If you pay attention to minor details, you could extend your cat’s life by many years!
Is Your Cat’s Attitude different?
The first factor that makes it difficult to determine whether a cat is sick is that, like humans, each cat is unique. We could say that a cat in pain meows more frequently than usual, but if your kitten naturally meows frequently, this would not be of much assistance.
Similarly, a sick cat may be more subdued than usual, but how would you tell if your feline friend is naturally calm? Therefore, the best course of action is to compare its attitude to its typical behavior. Any significant changes may indicate poor health.
Here, we must differentiate between two types of health issues.
Pain and Wounds
If your cat has been bitten and the wound becomes infected or if he has broken a bone, he will likely not act normally. If you pet him on the wound, he will likely meow angrily or even become aggressive and attempt to scratch or bite. If you notice that your cat is excessively grooming or licking one spot more frequently, it is likely that he has a wound there.
Illness and Sickness
If your cat has a more serious illness, it is often more challenging to diagnose:
- Excessive and unusual meows or other sounds could be a sign that something is bothering your cat, such as excessive hunger (which can occur when they have worms), stomach problems, fleas, etc.
- Examine the peculiar sitting position in question. It is possible that hunched posture indicates stomach issues, leaning could indicate a wound that prevents him from sitting upright, and never sitting could indicate worms, etc.
- This could be a sign of fever, which is commonly caused by an infected wound. You can feel your cat’s nose to determine if it has a fever, but the only accurate method is to use a rectal thermometer (be careful, they don’t like it, and if it’s already angry, this step could be difficult).
- Being disinterested in everything and ignoring personal hygiene is a very concerning sign. A cat’s self-neglect is often a sign that he senses the end is near.
- If your cat is purring incessantly when he normally does not, he may be trying to make the most of his remaining time with you. This is something to closely monitor.
- If your cat is hiding, you should be extremely concerned. When cats believe they are going to die, they frequently hide to pass away quietly.
However, some of these symptoms may simply reflect your cat’s normal behavior. You should be concerned if these symptoms are not consistent.
Does Your Cat Have a Good Appetite?
This is an easy symptom to recognize: if your cat isn’t eating as much as usual, or if he appears to have lost weight, he likely feels nauseous (likely due to stomach problems) or has a pain or discomfort so severe that it causes him to lose interest in food. If you suspect he has stomach problems, you can try to feel his stomach; if it feels hard, you are most likely correct in your assumption.
Alternatively, if he begins to eat more than usual, this could indicate that he has thyroid gland issues or worms.
In addition to kidney disease, diabetes, and infections, excessive thirst may be a symptom of other health problems.
Does He Have a Bad Breath?
There is bad breath and then there is BAD breath. Evidently, cats will not have minty fresh breath, but rather acceptable cat food breath. However, if its mouth begins to smell fishy, this could indicate gastric issues.
Is He Seeking Greater or Decreased Attention Than Usual?
As previously stated, a cat trying to hide may be a sign that he is nearing death. However, the converse, a cat seeking more attention than usual, may also be interpreted as discomfort. Cats are less adept at detecting behavioral changes, but they are more revealing.
If you have doubts, pay extra attention to these signs so that you can better understand how your cat is feeling.
Did You Observe a Change in Its Bathroom Routine?
If your cat is defecating or urinating more frequently or less frequently than usual, or if its waste has an unusual odor or consistency, there is undoubtedly something wrong with its health.
If you notice diarrhoea, look for other signs of illness; if there are none, it may be due to what he ate the day before, in which case you can simply give him plenty of water and wait a day. If the symptoms persist, take him to the veterinarian to be examined for stomach issues.
… Or in Its Sleeping Pattern?
When in pain or ill, it seems obvious that everyone, including cats, would have difficulty sleeping. If your feline companion is restless and meowing at night, there is likely something wrong with him. In turn, if it sleeps more than usual, it may indicate that something bad prevented him from sleeping at night.
The optimal time to examine him for this symptom is when you call him for food. If he doesn’t bother, you should likely be concerned, unless he never bothers; as previously stated, all of these signs become symptoms when they occur irregularly.
Is Your Cat Mouth Breathing?
This is a very obvious and extremely negative sign. Your cat’s mouth breathing indicates that it is not receiving enough oxygen. It can be caused by a respiratory disorder or a heart condition.
It often occurs when cats contract FIV (cats AIDS). This disease prevents the body from producing new red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. It is frequently accompanied by a very pale tongue (due to inadequate hydration) and a very feeble disposition.
If these symptoms are present, you may take him to the veterinarian, but you should be aware that it is likely too late. FIV is a common disease among cats that can access the outdoors and interact with other cats. Similar to AIDS, it can lie dormant for years before manifesting symptoms in the cat. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done when the disease begins to spread.
Now, if you pay closer attention to each of these signs, you will be better able to determine if your cat is truly ill. Simply spend time with him and feel him as he does when you are sick. Be confident in the fact that humans and animals can communicate, and you will know for certain if something is wrong with your pet, in which case you will need the assistance of a professional veterinarian.
Also, when visiting the veterinarian, converse with him, attempting to comprehend the disease’s cause and how to treat your sick cat accordingly. This will help you become closer to your pet and better comprehend him.