Aspirin, as we all know, reduces pain and fever. The real question is whether it is safe and beneficial for your dog. Because they are so playful and constantly on the move, dogs frequently sustain injuries (and occasionally contract illness). This article discusses aspirins and whether or not they are safe for your furry friend.
NSAIDs vs. Acetaminophen
First and foremost, here are some examples of NSAID-containing medications:
- Metacam
- Ibuprofen
- Carprofen
- Naprofen
- Rimadyl
- Aspirin
They aim to provide pain and inflammation relief. They can be administered to animals with moderate to severe fever. However, they can only be administered in controlled doses when treating canine conditions. Otherwise, your dog may experience adverse side effects.
Another medication is acetaminophen (Paracetamol). It is sold under the well-known brand name Tylenol. This medication is a common aspirin derivative that can also be used to treat your dog’s pain and inflammation. It can also be administered to a dog suffering from a cold or the flu. In contrast to Ibuprofen and Rimadyl, however, Tylenol may not be effective for inflammation (NSAIDs). Therefore, NSAIDs may be preferable to acetaminophen if you are looking for a painkiller to treat, for example, arthritis in canines. Obviously, you should consult a veterinarian regarding the optimal options for your dog.
How to properly administer aspirin to your dog.
The best course of action is to follow the doctor’s or veterinarian’s instructions, as they know how much medication to administer to your dog. They will also inform you of the dosage and any potential side effects. Typically, a larger dog will require larger doses administered over a longer period of time than a smaller dog.
How much aspirin can a dog be given?
The appropriate dosage depends on the type of pill and the condition your dog is suffering from. Some medications are best for a single, brief treatment, while others may be used for a longer period. Generally, experts believe that dogs can begin treatment with up to 40 mg, depending on the condition they are suffering from. You should select coated or buffered tablets when selecting aspirins. These medications are available in 81 mg tablets commonly known as baby aspirin. Other medications are available in 165 mg, 325 mg, and 500 mg tablets, which are better suited for adult dogs and should be avoided for puppies and smaller dogs.
The health history of your dog is also an important consideration. Additionally, inform your veterinarian if your dog is pregnant. Your veterinarian will use this information to provide the best possible care for your pet. If your dog is allergic to any medications, your veterinarian should administer treatment with this information in mind. To avoid risks, you must always consult a veterinarian prior to self-administering medications to your pet.
Side Effects Your Dog Might Experience After Taking Aspirin
As with humans, an overdose or an allergy to aspirin could result in mild or severe side effects in dogs. Therefore, special care must be taken when administering analgesics to your canine companion. Both NSAIDs and Tylenol are associated with particular adverse effects. For this reason, it is best to keep your dog under close observation so you can determine when to discontinue treatment.
Common side effects frequently alter your pet’s digestive system, resulting in changes in appetite or diarrhea. Here are some of the most common side effects of painkiller use in dogs:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Mucosal erosion
- Ulceration
- Black, tarry stool
The following are the signs of an aspirin overdose in dogs:
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Acid-based abnormalities
- Hemorrhage
- Seizure
- Coma
- Death (yes, it is possible, which is why you must visit your local veterinarian before proceeding)
Please note: if you observe any of the above symptoms, immediately discontinue giving your dog aspirin and contact your veterinarian.
There are alternatives to aspirin for your dog.
Obviously, some animal lovers would never give aspirin to their pets. If this is the case, you may want to consider other options for treating pain, inflammation, and fever. If you don’t want to give your pet aspirin, consider the following alternatives:
- Dietary modification
- Omega–3 fatty acid supplementation or other dietary supplements
- Regular exercise
- Physical therapy
- Cold-laser therapy
- Acupuncture
- Cannabidiol (CBD)
As you now know, aspirin may be useful for relieving animal pain and inflammation. However, you must ensure that it is safe for your pet by consulting a veterinarian beforehand. Therefore, you will not be required to administer any medication to your dog.