Before choosing a cage for your pet rats and bringing your new roommate home, you must determine where the cage will be placed if you are considering getting a rat as a companion. Rats need their own habitat in the home. Size, material, interior design, location, upkeep, and other factors should be considered for their home. Below is every piece of information you will ever require.
Types of your rat homes
Consider that the larger the housing you choose for your rat, the better. In general, a cage for two adult rats should be at least 30″ wide, 18″ deep, and 24″ tall. 24″ W x 14″ D x 36″ H should be the absolute minimum dimensions for a multistory vertical cage.
Rats of a younger age prefer multi-level cages and can live in slightly smaller spaces. As rats age, their climbing ability diminishes, and they occasionally lose their footing and fall. Therefore, older rats should be housed in a single-story enclosure.
The mesh should have a square or rectangle-shaped design. The rectangles should be large enough so that your rat’s foot can easily push through and pull back into them.
Unfortunately, many cages are constructed with mesh measuring approximately 12 inches by 1 inch, which should be avoided. Indeed, these types of meshes pose a high risk of inflicting pain and distress on your small rodent pal.
“Rat Manor” from Petco may be a suitable option for baby rats. The wire is protected from rust by a powder coating. They are foldable and well-designed, making them easy to store.
What is the industry standard for rat cages?
The Critter Nation cage for small animals is among the best available. Critter Nation also manufactures large, well-made cages with standard double-sized main doors. When opened, there is no center bar to obstruct access to the interior for cleaning or placing objects. Below the cage is a storage area, and everything is on lockable wheels.
For the two-story Critter Nation 162 model, there is also a locking ramp that can be used to separate your pet rats. This Double Critter Nation cage is regarded by many as the “gold standard” for pet rat cages.
If you are looking for a cage designed specifically for ferrets or chinchillas, we recommend Martin’s Cage products due to their extensive selection of sizes. The 60-inch-tall cages, which are larger than the Double Critter Nation cage, are recommended. The only problem with Martins is that the mesh is only half an inch by one inch wide. As mentioned previously, a rat’s hind foot can easily become entangled there.
If you can locate a cage with squared or larger rectangular mesh, your rats will be ecstatic.
What factors should you avoid when choosing a cage?
Prior to purchasing a rat cage, it is crucial to consider the following factors:
- First, you should avoid purchasing a cage with wooden components. In fact, liquids (including urine) may absorb into the wood, which is difficult to clean.
- Second, always ensure that there are no sharp edges where rats could be injured.
- Avoid aquariums, third! Due to the fact that air cannot freely circulate through glass enclosures, rats should avoid living in them. In addition, the presence of urine and feces in the air inside a glass tank can increase the risk of respiratory diseases.
- Last but not least, you should avoid (if possible) any wire mesh on the cage’s floor unless it is completely covered. Allowing your rat to walk frequently on uncovered wire mesh may result in the development of bumblefoot. Bumblefoot is a bacterial infection and inflammatory reaction that occurs on the soles of rats’ feet and is often difficult to treat.
What are the primary components of your rat’s home?
It can be a great deal of fun to furnish your rat’s habitat! Food dishes, water bottles or bowls, a hiding place, toys, and bedding are required items. Add a litter box if your rat tends to defecate in a single location. Simply place the litter box in your rat’s preferred location along with a small amount of soiled bedding to indicate that this is the designated bathroom.
However, do not assume that your rats will always use the litter box. Please keep in mind that anything you put in the cage could potentially harm your pet, but a lifeless cage results in a miserable existence. Simply weigh the advantages and disadvantages of everything you put in the cage, and do everything possible to reduce risks.
Aside from safety, the most essential consideration is to acquire the largest possible cage. This will enable your rats to fully enjoy themselves while you are absent.