The Complete Guide on Native American Indian Dogs

The Complete Guide on Native American Indian Dogs
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Frequently mistaken for a Husky or Labrador, the Native American Indian Dogs is a distinct breed of large canines with origins in prehistoric North America. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn about the origin, diet, and personality of this beautiful animal.

What are the most distinguishing characteristics of the Native American Indian Dog?

Even though this dog somewhat resembles a wolf, numerous professional breeders assert that “there is no wolf in Native American Indian Dogs.” Instead, it was discovered that these dogs are a combination of several larger dog breeds, including the Siberian Husky, the Alaskan Malamute, the Chinook, and the German Shepherd.

Typically, a Native American Indian Dog will exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Weight ranges from 50 to 120 pounds
  • Approximately 24 inches in height when fully grown.
  • The fur color varies between gray, white, black, and brownish tones, giving each Indian dog a distinct appearance.
  • The average lifespan of a Native American Dog is between 14 and 19 years.

Is a Native American Indian Dog dangerous?

If you were curious about their temperament, American Native Indian Dogs are typically gentle and submissive. They can become aggressive, however, if they perceive danger or if they perceive that their master is in danger. NAIDs are ideal guard dogs or watchdogs because they are large enough to protect your home from intruders.

In addition, many people believe that they are descended from wolves, but this is only an appearance. Your children are safe around these dogs because they will always protect them and be kind to them. In addition, these adorable four-legged creatures are extremely intelligent and devoted; if you are a good master, they will stay by your side and follow you wherever you go.

What is a Native American Indian Dog’s ideal diet?

As you may have guessed, Native American Indian Dogs require a daily dose of proteins and vitamins to maintain their health and happiness. Indeed, they are fairly large beasts, so it is normal.

To simplify matters, we compiled the following list of ingredients that your Native American Indian Dog should consume daily:


Obviously, this is the most important. Your dog’s diet should contain a minimum of 18% animal protein. Fish, such as salmon or tuna, was the primary source of protein for Native American Indian Dog ancestors. Many dog food brands, such as CRAVE Grain Free High Protein dry food, contain a fish-based formula.


Like humans, your dog will require a variety of vitamins, including vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, etc. Ensure that the food you feed your Native American Indian Dog is complete. Even though these dogs resemble wolves, they still enjoy dry food and kibble just as much as any other domesticated dog.


In addition to proteins and vitamins, your dog’s coat requires a daily dose of fat. Your dog’s food should contain at least 5% fat in order to maintain its health.


Your dog, like any other dog, will require a great deal of water, especially if it has been very active throughout the day. Ensure that your dog is constantly hydrated.

Normally, two meals per day should be sufficient for a Native American Indian dog. Also, be mindful of age-appropriate dosing, as a puppy will not consume the same amount of food as an adult. The same applies if your dog is approaching old age (15+ years).

Is training a Native American Indian Dog simple?

Native American Indian Dogs have always served as protectors for their masters due to their extreme loyalty. Consequently, they are certainly trainable. When you are training them to do something or to obey your commands, simply treat them with praise and a small treat (dog treats, a bone, etc.) so they can learn the difference between good and bad. If you own a Native American Indian Dog, you’re in luck because this breed, in general, is extremely intelligent and will quickly learn your tricks and commands if properly trained.

What are the most frequent health issues affecting Native American Indian dogs?

First, understand that these wolf-like dogs are one of the healthiest breeds available. As long as they are properly fed and constantly active, they are rarely afflicted with serious illnesses. Hip dysplasia, which is an abnormal formation of the hip joints, has been identified as a common health problem in Native American Indian Dogs throughout the years. This health issue is typically caused by the following:

  • Major injury
  • Stressful experience
  • Traumatic event

All of the aforementioned are potential causes of hip dysplasia in adult dogs (very rarely in younger ones). As long as you do not overfeed your dog, everything else should be fine. As they tend to enjoy eating large amounts of food, there is a risk that your dog will become obese if you are not careful.

How much is a Native American Indian dog?

Native American Indian Dogs can be quite costly, ranging in price from $1,500 to $2,000. As the Native American Indian Dog is a rare breed, it is difficult to find a reputable breeder who knows what he or she is doing.

Additionally, Native American Indian Dogs are not wolves, despite their wolf-like appearance. If you have the space and the funds to acquire one, it is absolutely worthwhile, as they will always be devoted to your family. As they require a great deal of activity and care, you must ensure you have sufficient space and time.